$97.00 USD

Find The Right Companies For You

Not all tech companies are created equal and your ability to pick them will make or break whether your tech sales career takes off towards long term success or nose dives quickly.

This section teaches you how to define your personal target company criteria & cross reference that with data to find the companies where you’ll feel fulfilled and be set up to win not just today but in the long run. 

After completing this course you will: 

  • Discover clarity on what you should be looking for in a tech company & red flags to avoid. 
  • Define your ideal company profile to filter through the sea of potential employers 
  • Learn about top tech categories to consider in your job search. 
  • Explore free tools at your disposal to help you quickly find great companies & roles.
  • Build a company target list that you’re confident in & get peace of mind that you won’t end up in a toxic culture or sinking ship.

You deserve to work at a great company and this section will ensure that you never settle for anything less than the best!